Welcome, new members of the Firefly announce list!

Dear friends, Now that the bulk of Firefly ticket registrations is over and we have a good idea of how many people want to join our community to play in the woods, we've taken the measure of adding everyone who has expressed an interest in getting a Firefly ticket to the Firefly Announce list (this list) so that you'll be kept up to date on everything that's going on. The Announce list is the official announcement vehicle for Firefly; there's no cross communication allowed on this list, and you'll only see official announcements and information here. If you're already a member of the Firefly Blink list (you know who you are) or if you see that you get two messages each time there's an official announcement, you can take yourself off of this mailing list by using the link at the bottom of this message. Make sure you use the link for the ANNOUNCE list (and not Blink if you're on that list as well.) If you have any problem with this, you can get in touch with info (at) fireflyartscollective (dot) org and someone will help you out. Keep your eyes on this channel for more information coming up about tickets, our community, and how you can become an integral part of it. Love to you all, ~ Firefly
participants (1)
The Firefly Official Announcement List