The Glowbe, Firefly's Newsletter, #10

Less than three weeks left until Firefly! Contents: 1. Work Weekend this weekend 2. Bringing Fire Art to Firefly? 3. Early Arrival application 4. Sanctuary Training 5. In Need of Parking Volunteers 6. Call for Art Tour Guides 7. Open Stage signups coming soon! 8. Still on the waitlist for a ticket? READ THIS! 9. Firefly's Communication Skills 10. Conduct Committee Hiatus 11. "Just the Tip" ---------- 1. Work Weekend this weekend Work Weekend #2 and Placement Weekend are this week! If you're signed up, please read the emails that you've already received from or to be sure you're in the loop! 1. Signups for this weekend are closed, so if this email makes you to want to help out, please sign up for NEXT weekend (June 17-19) at 2. Theme Camp and Art Placement does not occur until Sunday after the noon potluck. On Saturday, all work weekend volunteers are expected to work on event tasks (see link below.) Working on theme camps is not allowed until Sunday afternoon. 3. Now that the downer rules are out of the way, yay placement work weekend! L-Train from DPW has put together the following enjoyable information for your viewing pleasure and edification: ---------- 2. Bringing Fire Art to Firefly? If you have fire art you must contact Fire Core/FAST ( and send a safety plan before the event. ---------- 3. Early Arrival application The Early Arrival application is now live! If you are bringing art or building a theme camp, or if you have a disability that requires accommodation, you may request permission for early arrival. Early Arrival begins Tuesday June 28 at noon, and ends Wednesday June 29 at noon, when Firefly officially begins. The application can be found here: d/1XzGLPcQBc8rmyAR53ASeRuPPmNlmpIzSbiNy_hGti-Q/ Please note that requests are not handled or approved automatically: each request is reviewed by Early Arrival core. Applications will be accepted until *Wednesday, June 22 at 11:59pm*. Please make sure to read all of the information on the application before applying! Questions? Drop us a line at You will also want to create an account on the new Firefly Volunteer System, which can be found at We will be processing EA applications on a rolling basis this year; if you apply for EA and are approved, we will update your account in the volunteer system to reflect this status. This will allow you to sign up for Firefly volunteer shifts during Early Arrival (and of course you want to! :) ). ---------- 4. Sanctuary Training There will be two more sanctuary training classes. *Monday, June 13th @7:00pm* Artisan's Asylum 10 Tyler Street Somerville, MA *Wednesday, June 29th @3:00pm* Firefly @ Sanctuary Sign up for training today! ---------- 5. In Need of Parking Volunteers There are still plenty of parking shifts open! Hangout with all the Fireflies in the parking areas and help vehicles move around the event site. You can sign up for shifts here: Parking help is needed throughout the entire event including the last day of the event when there are vehicles moving around both parking lots and on approved trails in the woods. With more attendees this year it’s even more important that we park as efficiently as we can so we all have a place to park and can also easily exit the event….help your fellow Fireflies out! Questions, let us know at ---------- 6. Call for Art Tour Guides Lead an Art Tour at Firefly! Learn about this year's art, and share your knowledge with others! Expect a bit of reading beforehand, and a few hours of wandering around, but no other experience or qualifications needed. Email with interest. ---------- 7. Open Stage signups coming soon! We are very late , mea culpa, in gathering event requests for the open stage. The last few years the stage has been under-utilized....we need your unique and awesome talent on the Open Stage....think hard! We will be sending out the submission forms/sign up links in a day or two....looking forward to a rapid response! --------- 8. Still on the waitlist for a ticket? READ THIS! If you're on the waitlist and still want to go, remember to log in every 2 weeks to keep your waitlist spot "active." If it's too late for you to make Firefly plans, DON'T log in. If you're super nice, you'll email Ticket Core to let us know not to offer you a ticket. ---------- 9. Firefly's Communication Skills We're glad you're reading this newsletter (and our website!) so that you're fully prepared for Firefly, but do you find yourself saying "I wish this newsletter really caught my eye, so I wouldn't miss all those critical details about how to have a great time?" or "I just don't know how to volunteer and make Firefly even more awesome, but I'm a great communicator?" If so, you're in luck! While we have all 2700 (!) of your attention.... one of our big projects for the year is kick-starting our Communications Committee to keep getting the word out to all our Fireflies about the upcoming festival and our year-round events! If you write English good, make things pretty, organize stuff, or have other skills you think are relevant, we'd be thrilled to have you help out. You can learn more about the responsibilities of the Communications Committee here: If you're interested in helping out, please mail us at -- we'd love to have a kick-off at the event so we can have a running start into the rest of 2016. ---------- 10. Conduct Committee Hiatus The Firefly Arts Collective Conduct Committee will be on Hiatus from Wed, June 15th until Mon, July 18th, 2016. After June 15th the Firefly Incident Report Form <> can still be used to make reports, but those reports will not be investigated until after July 18th, 2016. While on site during the Firefly 2016 festival please bring any reports, concerns, or complaints to the Rangers or other Safety volunteers, or ask a Ranger to connect you to a Board Member if it is an emergency. Ranger HQ will have printed copies of the Firefly Incident Report Form available should you wish to put down your thoughts while they are fresh; they will be collected by the Conduct Committee post-event. For concerns and emergencies, please email the Firefly Arts Collective Board of Directors: ---------- 11. Just the Tip by Wendy WTF Ticks suck. Ticks suck blood. Suck tick, suck. Jane checks. Jane checks for ticks. Check Jane, check. Grab a mirror or a friend every 24 hours for a tick check, *only when sober with non-colorful lighting*. ----------
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