Firefly 2017 Art and Theme Camp Registration Begins!

THE BASICS: In order to reserve a specific location in the woods and have a place on the official map, art projects and theme camps *must* go through the Placement process. Anyone can bring art and camp without Placement, but only Placement can claim your spot before Firefly starts. If you are interested, please read the info below and then fill out the Placement application at the link at the bottom by June 7th. After that, you can send a representative to the to the Firefly site on Sunday June 18th and mark off your spot for the event. Placement’s first priority is always to help camps and artists find the right space for their awesome projects! Here is what you need to know about this year's Placement process and policies: Returning Camps and Art: Returning camps and art are usually --- but not necessarily --- entitled to the space they had in previous years. This is to help accommodate critical event infrastructure as well as make room for the event to grow and experiment new ways to use and organize the space. The vast majority of projects will be able to use the same site. Projects unable to return to their previous spaces will be notified as soon as possible and we will try to identify and reserve new spots with an equal amount of space, access and level terrain. Conflict Mediation: Placement is largely a participant-run process. It tends to be very friendly and non-adversarial and some really great solutions have arisen between neighbors by collaborating during Placement. If a conflict does arise, please try to resolve in a respectful way between yourselves, or even enlist a neighbor to help give some perspective. We are happy to help mediate if you come to us, but if a resolution cannot be reached, Placement will make a decision according to the best interest of Firefly. Placement Potluck Brunch: In order to be placed you must have a representative at the Placement Potluck Brunch which will happen at 12pm on the Sunday of the second pre-Firefly work weekend - June 18th. Please bring brunch items to share! We have chosen this time so your representative can attend just for the day; attending the full Work Weekend is highly encouraged but not required. (You must sign up for the Work Weekend if you intend to be there for the full weekend.) Your representative will choose your spot in the forest and help us stake it out. The rep can be anyone you choose, and multiple camps can have the same representative. In fact, this is encouraged! Due to space and parking constraints, we encourage you to consolidate related projects to use as few representatives as possible. At noon Sunday there will be a registration spot near the standing stone in the Field to meet with the Placement Core, sign in for your camp or art, and get marking tape. The bringing of brunch items for your group and some to share is strongly encouraged. We also encourage everyone to carpool. The lot can only handle so many cars, so we may need to implement carpooling requirements if not enough people do it voluntarily. Marking Tape: Your camp’s common space can be marked off with surveyor's marking tape that Placement will provide you. Please remove the Placement marking tape by the 2nd day of the event. We encourage projects to plan to reuse the neon, streamer-like tape as decoration or works of art. Contact Info: Placement works very closely with the Sound, Fire, LNT, Art and Work Weekend Cores, as well as other projects like Camp Leader Training. Contact information provided on these forms will be shared with these entities. Additionally, contact information may be shared with leads from other registered art and theme camps for purpose of facilitating placement activities (i.e., putting neighbors in touch with each other or helping to organize carpools to the work weekend.) And, while planning your project, you can reach out to these cores if you have any questions: - Fire Core Info: Note that any fiery objects, other than camp stoves, must be approved by the Fire Safety Core. The risk of forest fires is non-trivial in this area, please pursue fire and fuel related projects with caution. Your camp can bring above-ground fire bowls but cannot dig new fire pits. Remember that fuel is MOOP and take precautions against even small spills and splashes. Questions? Email: fire (@) fireflyartscollective (dot) org - Sound Core Info: If you plan to bring amplified sound (or fire effects) louder than a boombox, plan to coordinate with Sound Core so that noise impacts on neighbors can be minimized. Questions about possible sound issues should be directed to: sound (@) fireflyartscollective (dot) org - LNT: lnt (@) fireflyartscollective (dot) org - Work Weekend: workweekend (@) fireflyartscollective (dot) org Now that you have the read the policy, please apply to have your art or theme camp placed here: <> Placement applications are due by 11:59pm Wednesday June 7th. Love, Placement Core Still have questions? Email us at placement (@) fireflyartscollective (dot) org.
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