Table of Contents * 1. Firefly 2023 Work Weekends: Dates and Sign-Up <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.pl3i1sgh0s1n>2. Firefly Board Member Applications! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.99sfwty1xt8q>3. Sign Up for Volunteer Shifts <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.jmpn75c3n3x0>4. Parking needs Officers of the Day! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.sit4t1b1bjw>5. Please don't email Kirk! <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.k7dbkpkn0dyi>6. Desire and Fulfillment: Carpooling, Equipment Needs, Theme Camp Swap, Personals <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.smpkyjkokbdm>7. Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.iuklntnidak5>8. Links <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.3eyapwhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#bookmark=id.canzuinldx6ipc4vi>This issue is also published to the web at this link <https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSQ6UtGuYWqqU05K_pPGdmdm-hDM6qR5pdi-AWwCWK5b6VwyyoNbrfzuW57Q5Vz-yS8cTI3rDuqH31W/pub>*Firefly 2023 Work Weekends: Dates and Sign-Up *Greetings Fireflies,It’s almost time to get back to the land and begin preparing it for our yearly retreat and respite from the default world! Work weekends are an excellent way to meet some awesome folks, and to get into those woods for a few weekends in June before the event starts. Dates are as follows: Work Weekend #1: June 9-11Work Weekend #2: June 16-18 (Art & Theme Camp Placement is on Sunday, June 18)Work Weekend #3: June 23-25*Work hard, play hard* is our motto. Does that sound like you? Sign up here! <https://docs.google.com/forms/u/4/d/e/1FAIpQLScT-DO2otRzb3UJ1FjwFhcJ0duMKK0a2ru-mThfZT-gZNh6bQ/viewform>See you in the woods!Iva Infrastructure Cluster Lead // DPW Co-LeadQuestions? Email workweekends@fireflyartscollective.org <workweekends@fireflyartscollective.org>*Firefly Board Member Applications! *Want to join the Firefly Board? The deadline for membership applications if you want to join meetings before and during Firefly 2023 (and see what we actually do; WARNING: discussions of budget approvals) is Next Week 5/21. Please fill out the Application for Board Membership <https://forms.gle/Pptp4uhVqew9VzTe7>. [https://forms.gle/Pptp4uhVqew9VzTe7 <https://forms.gle/Pptp4uhVqew9VzTe7>]*Sign Up for Volunteer Shifts *Firefly is a volunteer-run event, so it all happens with the help of participants like you! Now that the lottery has run and folks can begin purchasing tickets, the Volunteer sign-up portal <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/> is also open. Follow the link to sign up for shifts to help out with the core(s) of your choice during the event.New to Firefly and not familiar with what each core does? There is some information on the Firefly website <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/> you can refer to. If you’re interested in a particular core and have additional questions, send an email to the core and the leads will follow up with you!*Parking needs Officers of the Day! *Hi there! This is Lily from Parking. I’m looking to recruit several dependable humans to help with Parking Officer of the Day! This position is very important and valuable to the community.I'm seeking individuals that are responsive, reliable, and dependable. The role involves being able to be on-call for a day and give support where it’s needed! Once applied I can give specifics to the person. The responsibilities will not affect your burn and if anything make it so much more fun!Please reach out if you are interested!Parking@fireflyartscollective.org <Parking@fireflyartscollective.org>lilynoel@fireflyartscollective.org <lilynoel@fireflyartscollective.org>*Please don't email Kirk! *Art Grants wanted to bring attention to something that has come up a few times this year. We have received a few Art Grant submissions that present Moop or other land-stewardship concerns, and then the author says "I talked to the landowner Kirk and he says it's ok!" We would like to put something in the Glowbe to the effect of: don't do this! We have a process and a hierarchy for determining if something is ok to bring to Firefly, and haranguing Kirk personally is *not it*. There are many reasons this is a bad idea, including: - Kirk is not the only relevant landowner- He is not familiar with our insurance and safety situations and policies- He is but one (very kind) man, and is likely to get annoyed by repeated requests from individuals*Desire and Fulfillment: Carpooling, Equipment Needs, Theme Camp Swap, Personals *In each GLOWBE this year we will have a section for ride swaps, equipment swaps, theme camp connections, and personals.If you are looking for a ride, or have one to offer…If you need to find a camp with a generator and want to know if you can host your art there…If you have a stage and want performers…If you're a camp who needs members…If you're looking for a polyamorous vegan-compatible snuggle-bunny who wears too much paisley (as if "too much paisley" could be possible)…We'll be posting OFFERs and NEEDs in each week's GLOWBE. By having this all in one place, it will be easy to scan and find the perfect match.Visit TBD URL to post a listing. Email communications@fireflyartscollective.org <communications@fireflyartscollective.org> to remove one.*Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF *Stop signing up for so many volunteer shifts! It’s ridiculous the way you are hogging them all. Save some for the rest of us. Why should you get to have all the fun?*Links Announce/ Glowbe Archives <https://lists.fireflyartscollective.org/pipermail/announce/> Communicating with Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/firefly-arts-collective/contact/> The 10 Principles <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/what-is-firefly/10-principles/> Volunteer at Firefly <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/participate/join-a-core/>
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