Chainsaws, Work Wknds, Ice!, Deadlines for Camps+Fire+Art [Glowbe 2018.05.29]

Hi! The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or essential info about Firefly. This briefing helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so please read on for important event updates, we’ll keep it short and sweet. 1097 Fireflies have tickets. 377 Fireflies are wait listed. *Not going? Refund your tix now so others can plan. 37 days until the bug burns. Contents: 1) Theme Camp listings 2) Art & Camp Placement deadline: June 6 3) Work Weekends Want YOU 4) June 2nd -- Chainsaw Skills Training in VT 5) Fire Art & Projects that Burn: Register Your Flame 6) Conduct Committee Hiatus: Jun 19 - Jul 23 7) ICE ! ICE ! Ice in the woods! ----- 1) Theme Camp listings now open Theme Camps -- you can get your camp listed on the Firefly website if you wish! See the camp listings, and post your own anytime, at the theme camp page: 2) Art & Camp Placement deadline is June 6 Reminders for Artists and Theme Camps - * Placement applications are due by June 6 ! * Placement brunch is Sunday, June 17 on site. Placement brunch reps - your site visit occurs during a Work Weekend; please read the WW info below on what’s expected. What happens at placement bruch? Read on… 3) Sign-ups are open for June Work Weekends! Work Weekends are upon us! Get to know your fellow Fireflies and the land before the event - learn skills and break a sweat in scenic VT to boot! This year’s WW dates: *June 2 -- Chainsaw Skills Training offered in VT WW1- June 8-10 WW2- June 15-17 [+Placement] WW3- June 22-24 *Signups are due by the Thursday before each weekend. *Anyone wishing to use a Chainsaw: see ‘Chainsaw Skills’ post below this one. The Basics — Work Weekends in June are when volunteers travel up to the event space and prepare it. This can include but is not limited to gathering sticks for the bug, repairing or creating new paths, and general maintenance. Volunteers arrive after 6pm on Fridays (June 8th, 15th, and 22nd) and are expected to vacate by 6pm on Sundays. Tasty lunch is provided by Work Weekend Corps(™) on Saturday with basic snacks and coffee available the rest of the weekend. There is a lot of do in a relatively small amount of time, so it’s important that if you are going to attend work weekends you understand that the crews and corps are there to work, this is not a ‘Firefly lite’ or party event. That being said, there is a lot of fun to be had and it’s an excellent way to meet new people if you are new to the event and/or the community. We accept and encourage anyone and everyone to volunteer and will make accommodations for those with specific needs. Placement Brunch — June 17th is placement brunch which begins at 12pm. It is strongly encouraged that if your camp is sending reps to placement weekend, they be ready to contribute to the infrastructure work as well. Due to limited parking, if you will be attending placement only YOU MUST still register with the WW form and indicate that you’ll be attending placement. Placement info: Full WW info and sign up: 4) June 2nd -- Chainsaw Safety Skills Training in VT
From John from Maine: “Firefly Department of Public Works is offering a chainsaw safety demonstration this year for volunteers who will be working for DPW during the Work Weekends or during the actual festival. Since much of DPW’s work involves the use of chainsaws, we strongly encourage our chainsaw-wielding volunteers to attend this. This is a hands-on event where participants will have an opportunity to apply their training at the Firefly location site. This event is open to all Firefly volunteers, though preference will be given to DPW staff and WW volunteers.
The event will be on Saturday, June 2 from 9 AM to 5 PM with a break for lunch at the Firefly site near Bethel, VT. Any person who plans on or wishes to be using a chainsaw this year must demonstrate safe and sane use of the saw. If there is interest, participants can arrive on Friday night and stay thru Sunday and help Firefly get a jump on timber work for the upcoming Work Weekends.” Details here: 5) Fire Art reqs & registration for anything that burrrrns Calling all fire artists! * If you plan to bring art with Flame Effects, OR intend to burn your art or structure, you must fill out the Fire Art Registration Form by June 25. * All Flame Effects and any Burnable Art are considered Fire Art. While fire spinning is also a form of fire art it does not need anything sent in prior to the event. If you wish to spin in the Conclave, you need to attend a meeting at Firefly. See full info and the Fire Art registration form here: Fire Core approval is necessary to run flame effects or burn any art, and allows Fire Core (FAST) to plan for the event. If you have any questions about the form, contact FAST - we are happy to help: 6) Conduct Committee Hiatus: Jun 19 - Jul 23 The Firefly Arts Collective Conduct Committee will be on Hiatus from Tues, June 19th until Mon, July 23rd, 2018. After June 19th the Firefly Incident Report Form can still be used to make reports, but those reports will not be investigated until after July 23rd. For concerns and emergencies, please email the FAC Board of Directors: While on site during the Firefly 2018 festival please bring any reports, concerns, or complaints to the Rangers or other Safety volunteers, or ask a Ranger to connect you to a Board Member if it is an emergency. Ranger HQ will have printed copies of the Firefly Incident Report Form available should you wish to put down your thoughts while they are fresh; they will be collected by the Conduct Committee post-event. 7) ICE HOLE returns to offer ice for coolers One again the cooool a.f. ICE HOLE project is returning to give away ice at Firefly - funded by donations collected from the community before the event begins. Want to contribute funds or volunteer or wear a penguin suit? Facebookers can check out Ice-Ice Abby’s wonderful announcement there: Favorite quotes from Abby -- “You can send your donations (let me know that they are for ice hole, please!) at or venmo to abby-howell-2 .” “If you want to get involved in the art or logistics or distribution wing of the Ice Hole, I would love to work with you.” For an idea of how logistics might work on site, search Firefly website for Ice+Hole to see how things worked in 2017; and stay tuned for 2018 updates. ----- Got a critical announcement for the community? Communications team can help you add it here, or in other Official Voice Of Firefly channels. Details: Stay tuned year round: Announce list <> — (This email list) Must-read info for event ticketholders or those hoping to be. Tix registration auto-subscribes you here (hi!), though you can drop out any time (bye) Blink list <> — Community discussion email list. FB announcements page <> — ‘Like’ & Follow this page to get notifications from FAC via Facebook. FB discussion group <> — Join this group to participate in FB community discussions. All ^these^ links and moar: See you in the woods! ##
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