Would YOU Like to Help Make a Temple at Firefly this Year?

Temple Call for Interest Greetings Fireflies, do you remember last year's temple? Were you moved by its calming presence and approachability? Did you get a chance to go down and leave an offering? Remember how much you liked it and admired the tenacity, creativity and pluck of those who toiled ceaselessly so that it could be erected to give to our humble event a spiritual center? Well, how would you like to be that can-do build crew of a wondrously unprofane folly? Perhaps you have your own ideas of a sacred geometry, or of what might embody a place of stillness and reflection. Please let us know if you are interested as we are looking to help support the building of a Temple structure again this year. The Firefly Arts Collective, (FAC), is looking for a design/build team to provide a Temple for this year's event. We would be able to provide some assistance and would go over your design from a structural considerations point of view. You must be willing to have the Temple burned. Right now this is a just a call for interest. Please send us a message at ff2013temple (at) fireflyartscollective {dot} org indicating your interest and what a Temple at Firefly means to you. More information will be forthcoming shortly. Thanks, The Firefly Temple Folks
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