TOC: Refund Deadline, Chainsaws, Supporting Our Friends, Run Your Own Sound at the Open Stage, Firefly's Coffee Kitchen 1. Ticketing/Parking Pass Purchase & Refund Deadline: 6/30 (Sunday) @ 10:00 AM Please look at your plans and return your ticket if you are not coming to Firefly! There are still people on the waitlist hoping for a ticket. You can get a refund on purchased tickets/parking passes up until this deadline. Additionally, please purchase your parking pass now HERE <https://tickets.fireflyartscollective.org/ticketsale.php?view=Parking>. Parking tickets are $30 online with a credit card. Parking passes will be $40, cash only, at the gate. Contact tickets@fireflyartscollective.org with any questions. 2. Chainsaws A reminder that the only people allowed to use a chainsaw at Firefly are individuals who have been cleared by DPW. Firefly retains the services of a local forester to assess the site for safety. Based on his recommendations hazardous trees are felled for the DPW to cut up during the work weekends. Participants are not permitted to fell trees, live or dead. If you feel that there is a tree hazard in your area, notify the DPW. Our options are limited during the event and the most practical solution will likely be to stay away from it. Dpw@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:Dpw@fireflyartscollective.org> 3. Supporting our Friends Through the Week The temple burn can be an emotional time for many of us for various reasons, whether we have gone to release something we've been holding onto, to say goodbye to a loved one, or are somebody who can be overstimulated easily. As many of us are saying goodbye to somebody who we loved this year, Sanctuary wants to make sure that everybody has support if wanted. We have added one extra person per shift through Sunday this year in hopes that if somebody seeks support outside of their immediate friend group for whatever reason, it is there. In order to make sure that we meet the need/wants/expectations, we need wonderful and supportive people to take those extra shifts. If you are a sanctuary volunteer, or were somebody who was discouraged by the shifts filling so quickly, this is your chance to snag a shift at a time where it might be needed the most. Gifting is so important in this community and support is one of the most important gifts you can give somebody. You can sign up for any shifts here: https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/219 <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/team/219> Thank you beautiful fireflies for all that you do! 4. Stage, now with more radical self reliance! Hi everyone! We're trying something new this year with the audio system at the Firefly Stage (located next to medical and ranger HQ). This year we're simplifying the audio system so that everyone will be able to run sound for their own stage slot. Yay radical self reliance! Don't worry though we're not just going to throw you to the bears. If you want amplified sound for your stage slot come down to Art Support Kamp (A.S.K.) next to the stage anytime Tuesday – Saturday between 10am and 4pm and we'll show you the ropes. It'll only take 15-30 minutes and you'll have a new skill! For those of you who are interested, we'll be using a Makie DFX-6 mixer. I promise it's easier to use than you think. ManualsLib › … › Mixer › DFX6 MACKIE DFX-6 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download. – ManualsLib *If you want sound for your stage slot you MUST get checked out at A.S.K. first!* We also ask that everyone review "A letter from Sound Core" <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/news/letter-soundcore-fireflies/> If anyone is unable or particularly uncomfortable running their own sound please email stage@fireflyartscollective.org or reach out to Spencer or Matt (Spider Monkey) camped at A.S.K. during the event and there's a good chance we'll be able to schedule someone to be there. Thanks for your cooperation and a big Thank you from your Friendly Neighborhood Sound Guys™ who greatly appreciate the opportunity this gives them to see the rest of Firefly beyond the stage! Spencer, Stage Co-lead, Stage@fireflyartscollective.org <mailto:Stage@fireflyartscollective.org> 5. Feeling tired? Do you need a boost before your next shift? Come and get a cup of coffee at Firefly's Coffee Kitchen! Check on your volunteer shifts or sign up for more shifts at the Gnome hut next door. Meet fellow caffiends or just hang and enjoy the view. Coffee, Tea, Hot chocolate and EmergenC are available. Email coffee@fireflyartscollective.org if you have any questions!
participants (1)
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