2023-06-04 Firefly GLOWBE

2023-06-04 Glowbe • _Work Weekend #1 Approaches_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.h3es527qzpgo> • _Need propane for your fire art?_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.iotwt3otc2l9> • _Asks and Offers from the Firefly Community_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.s004lvut6pke> *Work Weekend #1 approaches! (June 9-11)* • Needed: chainsaw operators and chainsaws • Sign up for work weekend The **Work Weekend Chainsaw Orchestra** is looking for experienced chainsaws to come make music in the woods. If you have a chainsaw and are comfortable using it (and have safety gear too), consider joining the sonorous cacophony! _Sign up here!_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/u/4/d/e/1FAIpQLScT-DO2otRzb3UJ1FjwFhcJ0duMKK0a2ru-mThfZT-gZNh6bQ/viewform> Please note that since some folks will be using potentially dangerous tools/equipment, only those who have officially signed up via this form (and signed the included waiver) will be allowed to participate on each of the Work Weekends. Iva *Infrastructure Cluster Lead // DPW Co-Lead* *Questions? Email **_workweekends@fireflyartscollective.org_** * *Need Propane for your Fire Art?* • If you need propane, join a large propane delivery. Please note that *PROPANE IS NOT ALLOWED ON THE ART TRUCK*. If you would like to go in on a large propane delivery, read on. The order will be for #100 filled propane tanks which would be delivered to Lower Parking before the event and picked up there after the event - $100 per tank. Contact Randal Meraki by text 508-713-7776, FB messenger, email: theworcshop@gmail.com. *Orders need to be confirmed by Friday, June 16th.* *Asks and Offers: Share Desires, Offer Fulfillment* • If you need something or are offering something, you might find it here. • *Place your own ask or offer* at _https://fireflyartscollective.org/desires_ ASKS: *Theme camp.* I would like to stay in a theme camp! Happy to offer help before, during, or after :) . (Jon Matthis - _jonmatthis@gmail.com_) *Theme camp.* Hi there, I would love to join a Calmer, smaller sized camp, 8-15pp. at Sideburn I joined OCTOmassage and SPASIBA is my camp at L'ostiburn I am a teamplayer, like hugs and cuddles, laughter and good vibes. I have a ticket! . (lian at _lievelian@gmail.com_) *Clothes, camping gear. *Needed! Clothing and emergency camping gear to help people who have emergency camping supply failures, are cold, or need some extra clothes. . (Bknowlton@piperledge.com) *Digital piano.* It will enable me to soothe my own emotions, and I can make a song for youuu <3. (D ( brokenrulers@gmail.com )) *Djs* to play at a silent disco stage. Montana (email is _info@futurespiritfest.com_) *Headphones for a silent disco.* Montana (email is _info@futurespiritfest.com_) OFFERING: *Equipment.* The Homeless Shelter is offering a rack and safe space to store clothing items for trade or take! . bknowlton@piperledfe.com Sebago *Solar generators *and silent disco stage that runs off completely renewable energy. Montana (email is _info@futurespiritfest.com_) *Solar generators.* I have about 7500wH of solar-rechargeable generators and would love for it to power something magical at FireFly. Monty (_info@futurespiritfest.com_) *Ride.* Up to 3 seats and cargo space in F250 coming from Southern RI 7/4-7/10. Allison (playa name is Purple Power) can be emailed at _gawthzilla@gmail.com_ *Ride.* Will be there July 4th thru Sunday coming from RI MA border will have room for two more who pack light.. Cait Edwards 508 269 2860 *Theme camp space.* Are you new to Firefly or new to being a Burner? Do not have a Theme camp? Looking for open camping but don’t want to feel alone? Coming in late? We are here for you! Info and space! . _Bknowlton@piperledge.com_
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