Afterburn! Lost & Found deadline, Photo uploads, Your feedback [Glowbe 2017.07]

The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or useful info about Firefly. This digest helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so read on for several important event updates. 1131 Fireflies got tickets. Around 350 days until the bug burns again, but who’s counting. Contents: 1) Afterburn Survey: Take 12 minutes to guide us 2) Lost & Found: Claim by July 31 3) Share your Firefly pictures! 4) Keep in touch ----- 1) Afterburn Survey: Please yell at us nicely today Now that the ticks have fallen off, and you're still {glowing? itching?} from the woods -- help make things better next year by completing our anonymous 10-15 minute survey. Re-live your memories as you check the boxes, and let us know how you feel about everything Firefry. Loved an art piece? Great, we'd love to know so we can fund more art like that! Hated the newsletters? Couldn’t find the dumpster pool? Air your grievances or praise to us, and we'll turn your [anonymous] data into a better event. Do it now: 2) Lost & Found: Claim by July 31 Help lost things find their owners! LNT boss Kel has photographed yuge piles of found items from the woods - fun finds include a fire-eating wand, and a skeleton print corset. Browse the album and claim your stuff by July 31 before it all gets vaporized. (*see contact info and claim instructions in the folder) 3) Please share your Firefly pictures! Want to share your event photos with the community, but don't want to be beholden to Facebook? Share them on Firefly's web gallery! The basics: * Try to get permission from identifiable participants in advance. * Don't post pictures of participants wearing "No Photography" wristbands. * Be thoughtful about posting pictures that folks may not want shared (e.g. nudity). How? First, please review the Firefly Event Recording Guidelines: Then, it's easy: 1) Go to the community photo gallery at 2) Register for an account or log in. To register, go to the "Login" menu in the upper right, and click "Register" then create an account. 3) Wait for an admin to approve your account. 4) Once approved, select "Explore"->"Upload photos" from the top menu bar. 5) Under "Select an album" click "create a new album", choose a parent album of the right year ("Firefly / 2017"), and choose an informative name like "Ranger Yolo’s Pics". 6) Select and upload files. Note: Photos may be curated for highlight albums in the future. Photos may not be reproduced beyond FAC's use without the express permission of the photographer. 4) Keep in touch Fight the post-burn blues by staying connected. These fine email and facegroups keep the magic alive year round: Blink list <> — Community discussion email list. FB discussion group <> — Join this group to participate in FB community discussions. FB announcement page <> — ‘Like’ & Follow this page to get notifications from FAC via Facebook. Moar links, and places to write feedback: Just the Tip by Wendy WTF Be excellent to each other. See you around town! ##
participants (1)
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