Transport vs ticks, Art+Camp placement, Financially Assisted tix update [Glowbe 2018.05.13]

*Hi! The Glowbe is a bulletin of time-sensitive or essential info about Firefly. This briefing helps reduce traffic on the announce list - so please read on for important event updates, we’ll keep it short and sweet. The ticket lottery ended in April and many tickets were purchased. 1096 Fireflies have tickets.332 Fireflies are wait listed. 54 days until the bug burns.Contents: 1) Transportation (for everyone but ticks) 2) Art & Camp Placement - What's New, and How-To 3) Financial Assistance Ticket successes so far ----- 1) Transportation for everyone (*but ticks) If you are not a Firefly-native tick or a hawk: you probably need wheeled transportation to get to the event. But our parking is v e r y limited -- so how do we fit everyone? The answers: * Firefly/Boston Bus * Ride shares * Parking passes * Offsite overflow parking * Socialism. Most of these require that YOU buy or plan a thing in advance. Socialism isn’t really a ‘plan’; but it *is* a theme that ties together carpooling and bus tickets and volunteering and luxury gay space communism. So reserve your bus seat or buy a parking pass today! Get cracking: <>2) Art & Camp Placement: How-To and What's New Changes are afoot since last year! FestComm and Placement have updated the Art & Theme Camp Placement policy. Here is what’s new - a) The "Returning Camps and Art" policy now says that returning camps and art usually can use the space that they had in the previous year -- not "in previous years." This means that if a camp takes a year off, they may not be able to return to the space the following year, for example, if another camp made good use of the space in the meantime. (At Placement Sunday last year, there was a dispute between two camps that had used the same space at different times, so this change was made in part to easily resolve any such disputes in the future.)b) The "Returning Camps and Art" policy now gives a specific example of why a returning camp might have some or all of its space moved -- ensuring that spots along the named paths have interactive spaces and art, and kitchens or personal tents are placed elsewhere.c) The "Conflict Mediation" policy now emphasizes that each placement representative must be prepared to make a final decision at Placement Sunday about the placement of the camp (or art project) they are representing. Occasionally if a dispute at Placement is not resolved the discussion has been moved to email; however, it's hard to make informed decisions when not at the physical site, so we want to minimize these email discussions.Email < <>> if you have any questions. The basics: * Placement Sunday is June 17, on-site * The placement application will be posted shortly * Details: <> 3) Financial Assistance Ticket progress so far 2018 is the first inaugural year of our Financial Assistance Ticket Program (FATP), a way to supply lower-cost tickets for some Fireflies, and a way for fellow Fireflies to contribute more funds to help out. We think it’s been a success so far. Here is a snapshot to date: * FATP applicants each named a ticket price they could pay if offered: either zero dollars, or a different dollar amount. * The starting budget was equivalent to 14.5 full-price tickets. * 189 people (17% of ticketed Fireflies) donated more funds to add to that budget, when they purchased their own tickets. * Result: So far, we have been able to help over 30 Fireflies to come home to that thing in the woods. -----Got a critical announcement for the community? Communications team can help you add it here, or in other Official Voice Of Firefly channels. Details are here: <> Stay tuned year round: Announce list <> — (This email list) Must-read info for event ticketholders or those hoping to be. Tix registration auto-subscribes you here (hi!), though you can drop out any time (bye) Blink list <> — Community discussion email list. FB announcements page <> — ‘Like’ & Follow this page to get notifications from FAC via Facebook. FB discussion group <> — Join this group to participate in FB community discussions. All ^these^ links and moar: <> See you in the woods! ##*
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