Registration for the Firefly ticket lottery coming soon!

Hello Fireflies, Many have asked, and the answer so far has been "not yet"... but it's time to change that answer to "soon"! Registration for the Firefly 2015 Ticket Lottery will begin soon! Firefly ticketing will work similarly to last year: 1. During the lottery registration period (dates to be announced, but within the next couple of weeks), each individual seeking a ticket signs up on the Firefly Ticketing website and confirms their registration by mailing in a signed waiver via USPS. 2. After the lottery registration period, the lottery is held to put all confirmed registrations in random order. 3. Ticket offers are sent to the top entries on the list, and a waitlist created for ticket turnover after that. 4. Individuals who register on the website or confirm their registration after the initial period are added to the waitlist in the order their waiver is received. 5. Tickets will once again be non-transferable and tied to your name and birth date. If you can't attend, you can--and should!--return your ticket for a refund so it can be offered to the next person on the waitlist. Details such as event dates and prices for tickets and parking passes will be posted soon to the Firefly-Announce email list, the Firefly Facebook group, and our website at of the places this message is posted. As always, send your questions, comments, concerns, and thematically-appropriate lemur pictures (but please, no bribes) to Now might be a good time to make sure that email address is set as safe/priority/whatever keeps it out of your spam filter, too. - Firefly Ticket Core
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