Trigger warning: This is heavy stuff, discussed in frank, and occasionally graphic language. Rater R for: Reader discretion is advised. People die and it sucks. Occasionally, people die while hundreds of others watch. Such a death is pretty much guaranteed to suck. Preventing deaths that suck is one of Firefly Medical Legion's number one goals. And to address this particular number one goal, we would like to involve the community, open this topic for discussion, and let you know that we are uncharacteristically serious about it. Real talk. In some ways, it's obvious why people die. Leaping into the base of a three story blaze has some obvious consequences which are not compatible with life. In other ways, the cause can be less obvious. Why would someone dive into a hellishly hot fire while hundreds look on? Some people call it selfish to inflict that emotional scar on others. Other people call it ill, and other others call it misunderstood. Whatever the case may be, Firefly Medical Legion wants you to know that we are here for you. If you ever develop a plan (or feel an impulse) to hurt yourself, please talk to someone first. I promise the conversation will be far less painful than asphyxiating while your skin melts (which just sounds awful, doesn't it?) *Feelings of wanting to hurt yourself are always fleeting, but the results of such decisions are not.* I believe I speak for everyone at Firefly when I say that we would rather you did not kill yourself in an effigy while the entire event looks on in horror. However, it does need to be said: It is extremely unlikely that anyone is going to chase you, tackle you, or pull you from that fire. Firefly is a small event, the safety teams are all volunteers, and our customer service is simply not that good. Please talk to someone before that happens. I am sure you will find open ears and open arms eager to assist you in your time of need. Also, if someone opens up to you about this topic and you feel uncertain about your ability to keep them safe, please get in touch with Firefly Medical Legion. We will do our best to allocate the appropriate resources (either on-site or off) to maintain safety for your friend. Warmly, Firefly Medical Legion
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