Communications Committee seeking members

Wishing it was Firefly time already? Want to get more involved, see your Fireflies more often, and be part of the action with your finger on the pulse of what's happening? Communications Committee might be for you! Help be our voice. We want to have an active group that manages and coordinates our communication channels: mailing lists, website, Facebook, skywriting, whatever else works... Now is the perfect time to get together and form a team that will manage the coming year's public presence for Firefly Arts Collective! We're looking for a few good folks with some of these skills: - Writing English good - Editing in a Wordpress website - Organizing information - Being organized in general - Making things look pretty - Show up, make frieds, and participate! [ | You can learn more about the responsibilities of the Communications Committee here ] . ( If you're interested in being part of this, please mail us at -- we'd love to have a kick-off meeting soon so we can have a running start into the coming year's events.
participants (1)
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