Firefly 2012 Work Weekend Dates Announcement

*Firefly 2012 Work Weekend Dates Announcement* Greetings Fireflies! Firefly is on the horizon and there is a lot to do to prepare the site for this year. In addition to the usual Work Weekend tasks, we are expanding to some additional land and also need additional infrastructure to accommodate all of you happy Firefly participants. Since Firefly happens because of volunteers, we are looking for some volunteers to participate in several Work Weekends prior to the event. Work Weekends are also when placement for Theme Camps and art installations takes place. Please read the Work Weekend descriptions carefully and be prepared to work! Signup for the Work Weekends will take place closer to the Work Weekend dates and an announcement will be sent to the Fireflyblink list, the Announcement List and will be put on the Firefly Arts Collective web site. You MUST be signed up ahead of time to attend a Work Weekend. Arrival for Work Weekends starts after 6pm on the Friday of the weekend. More information will be sent out in the signup announcement. *Work Weekend #1 - Infrastructure Work Weekend Friday June 8th - Sunday June 10th* This will be a very heavy, labor intensive Work Weekend focusing on clearing trees, setting up infrastructure, and making new trails to connect the usual Firefly site to the additional land we are using this year. There will be big equipment in use and we are looking for volunteers who have chainsaws and other equipment to contribute. No Theme Camp preparation is allowed this weekend. *Work Weekend #2 - Theme Camp & Art Installation Placement and Work Weekend Friday June 15th - Sunday June 17th* Placement for Theme Camps and Art Installations will take place this weekend as well as other Work Weekend tasks. If you are planning an Art Installation or Theme Camp, please make sure that at least one representative from your camp can attend this Work Weekend. Only placement, not preparation for Theme Camps and Art Installations will take place this weekend. Please be prepared to work on other Work Weekend tasks before and after Placement. *Work Weekend #3 - Work Weekend, minimal Theme Camp preparation Work Weekend Friday June 22nd - Sunday June 24th* This Work Weekend will focus mainly on completing Work Weekend tasks. Minimal Theme Camp preparation, such as clearing space and gathering wood will be allowed after general Work Weekend tasks are completed. *Work Weekend #4 - Bug Build & Theme Camp preparation Work Weekend Friday June 29th - Sunday July 1st* This Work Weekend will be used to complete any remaining event site preparation, building the Bug, and Theme Camp Preparation. Theme Camp setup such as flying tarps will be allowed this weekend. See you in the woods! Firefly
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