Firefly 2022 Official Lost and Found Album

*Firefly 2022 Official Lost and Found Album* Hot new album drop is here. The Firefly 2022 Lost and Found photo album is ready for your perusing pleasure. _ If you see something in the Lost & Found gallery that’s yours, fill out this form: _ *Unclaimed Lost and Found will be donated or given away after Sept 1st.* The Firefly LNT team won't be mailing stuff, so if you are not near a porch pick-up spot see if a friend or community member would be willing to pick your Lost & Found item up and mail it to you. If there is a bunch of Lost and Found bound for one geographic area, we will *try* to get a porch for porch pick up in that area, but no promises on that. On a final note, y’all please *label your stuff! *Not a single item currently in our Lost and Found is labeled. That's because labeled stuff gets returned quickly… often *at* the event itself. Everybody moops. Help others help you by putting your name on your things. Thank you Firefly LNT Team
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