Firefly 2024 GLOWBE #1 — Must-Read Info on Work Weekends, The Bus, and SO MUCH MORE!

Greetings Fireflies! Is it GLOWBE like The Globe or is it pronounced Glow-Bee? Fireflies have debated this topic for centuries. [ | Cast your vote! ] While we may never know how to say it, we know what it is. The GLOWBE is your weekly digest of announcements leading up to the event in the woods. In this edition: * Firefly 2024 Work Weekends * Work Weekend #1: June 7 -9 * Work Weekend #2: June 14-16 (Art & Theme Camp Placement is on Sunday, June 16 ) * Work Weekend #3: June 21 -23 * Placement Application Deadline * June 12 * Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer — Are You Available? * What/Where/When is Ready for Submissions * Leave No Trace – Pro Tips from LNT Core * Asks and Offers * Keep in Touch Note: All past Firefly announcements exist as a searchable archive [ | here. ] Past GLOWBEs: find this year’s GLOWBEs on the web [ | at this link. ] Firefly 2024 Work Weekends It’s almost time to get back to the land and begin preparing it for our yearly retreat and respite from the default world! Work weekends are an excellent way to meet some awesome folks, and to get into those woods for a few weekends in June before the event starts. Dates are as follows: Work Weekend #1: June 7 – 9 Work Weekend #2: June 14 – 16 (Art & Theme Camp Placement is on Sunday, June 16 ) Work Weekend #3: June 21 – 23 [ | Sign Up For Work Weekends Here ] Questions? Email [ | ] Placement Application Deadline Placement applications must be submitted by June 12th in order to be considered for placement during Work Weekend #2. [ | Submit your application here ] Questions? Email [ | ] [ ] Bus Tickets Now On Sale Bus tickets are also now on sale for ticketed participants, and can also be purchased [ | via the ticketing website ] . Bus tickets are $75 for a round trip ticket, or $50 for one-way. This year, there will be one bus, which will leave Cambridge/Boston at noon on Wednesday, will make a stop in White River Junction, and will return from Firefly at 3pm on Sunday. Bus riders will receive: * Trash disposal at the event! (for yourself, not for others) * A grocery stop just before arriving! * 2 bags transported (one large luggage and a daybag) in cargo space on the bus * A warm fuzzy feeling for contributing to freeing up parking space! Need more space than two bags? Purchase space on the gear truck! The gear truck will load in Medford the weekend before the event, and arrive at Firefly during Early Arrival. Shares can also be purchased [ | via the ticketing website ] . Note that like last year, riders will be responsible for carrying their own gear up the hill (some bus-owned carts will be provided). Buy your ticket now! Questions? Email [ | ] Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer — Are You Available? The most in-demand volunteer superpower right now is: the ability to volunteer at weird times! Are you arriving early? Can you stay late? Can you volunteer during the night? Are you willing to miss a burn? Then take a shift! Especially for these cores, where we currently have the most unfilled necessary shifts: [ | Rangers ] : wear pistachio, be a trustworthy person with a radio. Requires experience either going to Firefly or being a ranger at some burn; [ | apply here ] . [ | Leave No Trace ] : stay late communing with the woods, find weird stuff [ | GTFO ] : control traffic, very powerful. No experience needed for crew shifts. [ | Late Crew ] : stay extra late putting up our infrastructure. You’ll know so much about Firefly by the end! No experience needed for crew shifts. [ | Parking ] : how hard can parking be during early arrival? This is a gimme! [ | Graveyard ] : tell ghost stories with your friends at the gate [ | DPW ] : set up our infrastructure - another way to know Firefly at a deeper level! No experience needed for crew shifts. Here’s the [ | Volunteer Role Finder ] to help you decide between them! [ | Go sign up! ] Questions? Email [ | ] Art Truck – Secure Your Spot Art Truck Users! Please fill out [ | this form ] by 6/24 to secure your art a place on the truck. FAQ: * You do not need to be an art grant recipient to use the art truck! * Truck load and unload will be at VDA in Somerville; specific details will be sent out to artists who respond to the survey (and volunteers). * The Art Truck arrives at Firefly on Early Arrival Monday . Questions? Email [ | ] What/Where/When is Ready for Submissions The What/Where/When (WWW) is a guide to Firefly’s goings on. Use [ | this form ] to submit your events. The WWW won’t be ready to view just yet, but you can start submitting your events! Questions? Email [ | ] Leave No Trace – Pro Tips from LNT Core Leave No Trace (LNT) starts at home and during Work Weekends! As you begin your Firefly prep, check your gear! Old gear can degrade while in storage creating mess when pulled from long forgotten bags. Plus, it's no fun to lug items up the hill only to find they are unusable. Open new items at home. Often there is excess packaging you can discard before getting to the woods or small refuse that may fall out, like the grommet punches in tarps. If you use permethrin, treat items at home *not on-site* as it can be harmful to small friends like newts. Refrain from raking areas unless it is necessary for fire prevention. The natural leaf litter is a home for tiny critters and helps prevent big muddy areas. The stream is a fragile ecosystem! Wash off bug spray or sunscreen before refreshing yourself in the water shrine. Keep soap, grey water, and pee 100 feet away from the stream. Mind your MOOP MOOP is M atter O ut O f P lace: trash or items that don't belong in the woods, including food scraps and human waste. Do a MOOP sweep of your camping area daily and before leaving. Pick up any trash you happen to see while in the woods. Don't. Poop. In. The. Woods. Someone will have to clean it up and they will be sad. Everybody MOOPs, but together we can keep the land beautiful! Questions? Email [ | ] Asks & Offers In each GLOWBE we will have a section for ride swaps, equipment swaps, theme camp connections, and personals. We'll be posting OFFERs and NEEDs in each week's GLOWBE. By having this all in one place, it will be easy to scan and find the perfect match. [ | Place an ask and/or offer ] Keep in Touch In addition to the GLOWBE, you can find announcements and keep up with fellow Fireflies on [ | Facebook ] and [ | Discord ] . Subscribe to the [ | Firefly Blinklist Email List ] , A free-for-all email list for community discussion. Use the [ | email directory ] to get in touch with any of the volunteer cores directly.
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