2023-06-14 Firefly GLOWBE: Please Read!

2023-06-14 GLOWBE • _Art Truck Info - Send Your Art on the Art Truck_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.1uovl4lchbx7> • _Work Weekend #2 - aka Placement for Theme Camps & Art (June 16-18)_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.s2wdl03e7nig> • _DPW Art Transportation_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.xqi2x9qlbxz> • _Accessibility Transportation_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.ary6cmqsef25> • _Parking Passes Now On Sale (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.ksqw6qp55hm9> • _Bus Tickets Now On Sale_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.5tclx1xowewa> • _Gear Truck Organizer Wanted_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.vpflbj3j2k54> • _Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.oi0r4rpif8yx> • _Asks and Offers: Share Desires, Offer Fulfillment_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSggPLkp3n5CKsGEXUftAMP-hK-DNkdyqwGd0nd6TIM/edit#heading=h.bwmf8qvmpsv2> Past GLOWBEs: find this year’s GLOWBEs on the web _at this link._ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSQ6UtGuYWqqU05K_pPGdmdm-hDM6qR5pdi-AWwCWK5b6VwyyoNbrfzuW57Q5Vz-yS8cTI3rDuqH31W/pub> *Art Truck Info - Send Your Art on the Art Truck* Hello lovely art-truck using Fireflies! Thank you all for your patience while truck load details have been coming together. We got what you need (information) and now we need what you got (different information). The art truck survey is linked below, please fill that out as soon as possible. If you volunteered for truck load shifts, please double check the volunteer portal because times may have changed. Cheers, - Repair Kit & Mango • If you intend to put your art on the truck, please fill out _this survey_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd52u8hhC4yuThF8FIYSuAX17BJxuM3rCQ59NQ7UasSftaBwg/viewform?usp=sharing>. • Make sure to figure out your cubic footage! If you have completed the survey and later decide not to use the art truck, please let us know ASAP! • Truck Load will happen at VDA in Somerville. Please show up within these windows. We will email specific details a few days in advance to everyone who has filled out _the survey_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd52u8hhC4yuThF8FIYSuAX17BJxuM3rCQ59NQ7UasSftaBwg/viewform?usp=sharing>. • Saturday, July 1st, 3 pm - 7 pm • Sunday, July 2nd, 2 pm - 6 pm • If your art is particularly large, heavy, or awkwardly shaped, please try & show up on the early side of truck load. • Please pack your art safely! Consider that items in the truck are likely to shift in transit. We recommend using crates or totes where possible. We will do our best to pack the truck securely, but we are not responsible for damage to your arts. BYO ratchet straps if at all possible. We will work with you to pack your art, but please come prepared to assist. • The art truck will depart for Firefly on the morning of Monday, July 3rd (Early Arrival). • Once on site, let us know when you’re ready to retrieve your art, and we will coordinate with DPW to arrange for transportation to your placement site. DPW has their own survey for you to request assistance. This is linked in the _art truck survey_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd52u8hhC4yuThF8FIYSuAX17BJxuM3rCQ59NQ7UasSftaBwg/viewform?usp=sharing>. • Our goal is to have the truck empty by Tuesday evening. If you won’t be on site before then, please make arrangements with someone who will. If this is absolutely impossible we will work with you to retrieve your art on Wednesday or later, but timing will be at our discretion. • Art Truck re-load will happen on Sunday, July 9th (Exodus). If you know in advance that you will need to pack your art out sooner than this, please let us know ASAP. • Truck Unload will happen on Monday, July 10th at VDA from 5 pm - 10 pm. Make sure to be there to pick up your art! Leave No Trace still applies in the VDA parking lot. • No really, fill out _the survey_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd52u8hhC4yuThF8FIYSuAX17BJxuM3rCQ59NQ7UasSftaBwg/viewform?usp=sharing> <3. Please respond by June 25th. *Work Weekend #2 - aka Placement for Theme Camps & Art (June 16-18)* We had a very successful and productive first Work Weekend, and hope to do just as well with the second! This is also when Theme Camps and Art get placed, so make sure to send a representative up there at least on *Sunday, June 18th*. Folks who come up will be expected to put in at least a couple of hours of work clearing general camp spots and trails and helping out with other tasks before they’re allowed to participate in placement which begins at 11AM on Sunday, so plan accordingly. (_Placement is happening a little differently than previous years, read more about it here!_ <https://www.fireflyartscollective.org/getting-ready/placement/>) If you have not signed up yet, follow the link to the _Work Weekend Sign-up (and Waiver)_ <https://docs.google.com/forms/u/4/d/e/1FAIpQLScT-DO2otRzb3UJ1FjwFhcJ0duMKK0a2ru-mThfZT-gZNh6bQ/viewform>. *Questions? Email **_workweekends@fireflyartscollective.org_** or **_placement@fireflyartscollective.org_** * *DPW Art Transportation * Are you bringing art which you will need help getting up the hill into the woods? DPW is happy to offer assistance with Polarises and trailers. Fill out this *_Art Transport Request Form_* <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoyZC-NKxHIS21b6CX1zilUc0fAv_kClNSMROByuL8bhCWzg/viewform> to let us know approximately when you would need the pickup, where from (Art Truck, Lower Parking, or Upper Parking) and provide some info about what you need transported. *Questions? Email **_dpw@fireflyartscollective.org_* *Accessibility Transportation * If you have trouble getting around and are worrying about how to get your things up the hill, Accessibility would like to help you out! _More information can be found here_ <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ya5A7PasSuwVrn-n0Ek7r9l_lA4VAJz8ANmxzI01uCI/edit?usp=sharing> *Please Note: * • Accessibility Transport is intended only for individuals and their *personal *camping gear during Arrival/Exodus. *The core will ***not ***be assisting with transport of theme camp infrastructure or art.* • Accessibility will operate during daylight hours only - there is no driving in the woods after dark, so plan your arrival accordingly. *Questions? Email **_accessibility@fireflyartscollective.org_* *Parking Passes Now On Sale (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ * Parking passes are now on sale for ticketed participants. You can buy a parking pass by visiting your ticketing dashboard. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) Passes are $30 online through June 30th, and $60 at the gate. Each *car *needs a parking pass, but it can be purchased by either the driver or a passenger. ฅ (^• ω •^) ฅ We’re offering a limited number of Designated Transportation Vehicle (DTV) passes this year. These passes are for vehicles (usually box trucks) that carry a bunch of participant gear and thus enable people to carpool where they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ Rule of thumb: to qualify for a DTV pass, your vehicle must eliminate at least 2 other vehicles. If your box truck is only carrying camp infrastructure, it’s likely not a DTV. Questions? Email _parking@fireflyartscollective.org_ *Bus Tickets Now On Sale * Bus tickets are also now on sale for ticketed participants, and can also be purchased via _the ticketing dashboard_ <https://volunteer.fireflyartscollective.org/>. Bus tickets are $60 for a round trip ticket, or $45 for one-way. The buses will leave Cambridge/Boston at noon on Tuesday/Wednesday, and will return from Firefly on Sunday. Bus riders will receive: • Trash disposal at the event! (for yourself, not for others) • A grocery stop just before arriving! • 2 suitcases (one large and one carry-on) and a daybag of cargo space on the bus • A warm fuzzy feeling for contributing to freeing up parking space! Note that this year, riders will be responsible for carrying their own gear up the hill (some bus-owned carts will be provided). For any additional questions, please reach out to _transport@fireflyartscollective.org_. Buy your ticket now! Buses are beginning to fill up. *Gear Truck Organizer Wanted* In past years, we have had a box truck go up to Firefly alongside the bus. This year, none of Bus Core is available to organize the truck, but Firefly is a volunteer organization and a do-ocracy! *Do you *(or do you know someone who would) *want to make a gear truck happen? * The gear truck would need someone to: • Rent the truck • (from U-Haul, Penske or similar- last year was a 15’ box truck) • Sell shares on the truck • (last year there were ~50 shares of 10 cubic feet each) • Organize truck load-in and load-out • This would be in Boston on Sunday 7/2 and Monday 7/10 • (the truck needs to arrive on EA Monday and depart late on Sunday) • Drive • We *have *a potential volunteer for driving, but the driver cannot manage the rest of the organizing, so if the driving is your only impediment to organizing, please still reach out. If this sounds like something you would use and think you can organize, incredible! Please reach out to _transport@fireflyartscollective.org_ and we can work with you and give you more details. *Just the Tip, by Wendy WTF* Burning garbage in an open fire is prohibited in Vermont. Nuisance particles and toxicity of released chemicals are a bummer. Burning paperboard packaging and cardboard in a low-temp fire results in a stinky environment. If you brought it in, you can bring it out. I believe in you. *Asks and Offers: Share Desires, Offer Fulfillment* Are you looking for or offering rides? space in a theme camp? Help with an art project? Roommates? We’ll publish Asks and Offers at the end of every GLOWBE. ASKING: *Performer: exhibitionist couple* to give a live demonstration during a "Giving Great Head" workshop. Gareth Morgan gareth@glorygloryhole.com *Digital synthesizer artist.* Event! Freeforall synth Jam colab. Bring your gear.. Chananagains @ camp lamp chananagains@gmail.com *Ride: Firefly to Boston.* I can meet anywhere within MBTA distance. Ideally returning to Boston on July 9th.. John B. 850-376-9968 (text or call) *Ride. NYC to Firefly* on Tuesday or Wednesday. Melanie Supple melanie.supple@gmail.com *Art Project. Mobile art project(s)* to be paired and rotated with other project, 1-2 times per day. Can provide more detail. matt m.garrity0@gmail.com OFFERING: *Venue during the day.* SGC has a lovely out-of-the-rain shady club tent that we'd like to offer up to the wider community for use at Firefly during the daytime! To apply: https://forms.gle/mBht8DUZuD8AG9FT8 . Amy Black, aka Saphire amy@gothicmaine.com *Ride. From the Randolph Amtrak station, to Firefly.* Cannot Friday/Sat.. Sage _sagekochavi@gmail.com_
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