The Glowbe, Firefly's newsletter, Issue 11

Two weeks 'til Gate opens! Helpful links to peruse: - the Survival Guide <> - the Packing List <> - the Volunteer site <> (Firefly requires over 4000 at-event volunteer hours to run smoothly. Are you signed up for at least 4?) CONTENTS: 1. the Event Guide / WhatWhereWhen is here! 2. Getting help at Firefly 3. Take the bus to Firefly (and get some perks) 4. Lead an Art Tour at Firefly 5. Parking still needs 105 volunteers! 6. Open Stage signups coming soon 7. Just the Tip ---------- 1. the Event Guide / WhatWhereWhen is here! For this year’s go-round of woodland misadventures, Firefly has decide to outsource the production of their Event Guide (aka WhatWhereWhen) to the cheerfully lazy folks of Cabana Hammock. We promise to provide you with an event guide that lives up to the standards of efficiency, clarity, and transparency that Fireflies have come to expect. We’re putting the “What?” back in WhatWhereWhen! How does it work? This year’s version of the guide is essentially a big shared Google Calendar. To add an event to the calendar, fill out this form: A few minutes after you submit, your event will be automagically added to the calendar, found here: There’s also a web-friendly version, using the calendar data feed and some custom styling: Bonus Round for Code Wizards - make your own calendar display Do you know how to do magical display things with Google Calendar? Make your own customized event listing with our data feed (Calendar ID: Having Issues? Reach out to our savvy community of Fireflies via the Blink list or the FB group - odds are someone will be able to offer friendly advice! If you’re still stuck, send an email to our overworked support staff of one at, and we’ll reply with a list of inducements and bribes for your consideration. ---------- 2. Getting help at Firefly If your camp has a Murs radio you can get a hold of Rangers, First Aid, Sanctuary, or Fire Safety at any time on Channel 1. Listen to see if there is anyone else talking then, press the push to talk button, ask for Khaki (it’s helpful to say this twice), and say who you are & where you are. Once Khaki has confirmed a connection you can go ahead and ask for what you need. We ask for any camp communications that you use a Channel other than 1, so that the channel can stay clear for emergency use. Any questions, feel free to email or stop by Ranger HQ during the event. ---------- 3. Take the bus to Firefly (and get some perks) Parking is at a premium at Firefly, and it's a major problem for the event. Help do your part and ride the bus from Boston! You will be able to buy bus tickets through the same web portal as your event ticket once you get a ticket offer . Buses to Firefly run on three days (Wednesday June 29, Thursday June 30, and Friday July 1) and will each make three pickups in the Boston area (Central Sq Cambridge, Union Sq Somerville, and Sullivan Sq) Return buses will all leave on Monday, July 4. Passengers will be able to bring about three pieces of luggage plus a day bag. A freight truck will be available on Wednesday and Sunday to carry some luggage that does not fit on the bus, and additional freight shares on the truck will be available to bus passengers for a moderate fee. Upon arrival, volunteers will help you carry your labeled gear (and groceries) to designated drop points further up the hill, another benefit of taking the bus. Additionally, the buses will stop at a grocery store for last minute supplies. Bus tickets will cost $45 round trip or $30 one-way. You can buy through the same portal as your event ticket. Have questions? Please email MamaJean at ---------- 4. Lead an Art Tour at Firefly Learn about this year's art, and share your knowledge with others! Expect a bit of reading beforehand, and a few hours of wandering around, but no other experience or qualifications needed. Email with interest. ---------- 5. Parking still needs 105 volunteers! Parking volunteer help is especially needed during early arrival and for exodus which is in full force on Monday of the event. You can sign up for shifts here: Questions, let us know at ---------- 6. Open Stage signups coming soon We are very late, mea culpa, in gathering event requests for the open stage. The last few years the stage has been under-utilized....we need your unique and awesome talent on the Open Stage....think hard! We will be sending out the submission forms/sign up links in a day or two....looking forward to a rapid response! ---------- 7. Just the Tip by Wendy WTF Visiting a theme camp? Take your empties with you when you leave. ----------
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